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4.cn Holiday Reminder[2018-04-20 17:00:32]

Dear Customer,

Thank you very much for your business with 4.CN.

4.CN has a holiday from April 29 to May 1, 2018for International Workers' Day. We will be back on May 2.

During the holiday, if you have any questions, you could open a ticket via our “Support Tickets”, send us an email at support@goldenname.com, or contact us directly at Hot line : 



Duty officer

Contact number

Apr. 29th



Apr. 29th



May . 1st




Kindly Reminder: All withdraw requests will be dealt with on May. 2th . If you have any needs of funds, please arrange it ahead of time . We offer our apologies to you for the inconvenience has caused you.


 If you have any questions, feel free to click the button “contact us ”at the upper right of this site .


Best Wishes!

4.CN Support Team

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