The domain is available for purchasing, if you are interested in purchasing this domain, please submit your offer below, the Seller will be notified.
Please note:
Your offer is valid for 7 days, if the Seller does not respond during this period, your offer will be expired automatically.
Please note:
Your offer is valid for 7 days, if the Seller does not respond during this period, your offer will be expired automatically.
3C数码产品包括电脑 手机 电视 数码影音产品及其相关产业产品。 比如:电脑、手机、相机。
所谓3C,是将计算机(Computer)、通讯(Communication)和消费电子产品(Consumer Electronic)三类电子产品的简称
所谓3C,是将计算机(Computer)、通讯(Communication)和消费电子产品(Consumer Electronic)三类电子产品的简称
- Visitors to this domain's website (last month): 0
- Visitors to this offer page (last month): 11,341
- Previous offers for this domain: 0